Sun | Ego

Jack of Diamonds
Número de Secuencia
Valor Numérico




Largo Alcance
The Jack of Diamonds is usually representing a younger, business-minded man who is creative. Often they are salesmen or promoters of some product or idea and always are involved in the world of business or finance. Either a person of this description will play a major role in your life when this card is present or you will be manifesting these qualities yourself. For this reason, the Jack of Diamonds is considered to be a card of great financial success, especially success through promoting or selling or otherwise being very creative in your business. On the other hand, if you know some man who is a Diamond Birth Card, this Jack could mean that he will be playing either a romantic, creative, or dishonest role in your life at the time this Jack appears. On a spiritual level, this card often represents a time when we are lifted up to a new value level in our lives. This could occur through exposure to one of many things or people that inspire us to place acquisition and hoarding of things into their proper place in our lives. As such, our lives can be greatly improved during times when this card appears.

La Carta de Largo Alcance describe algo o alguien que es un enfoque importante de tu atención este año. Podría ser algo en lo que estás pensando todo el tiempo, con lo que tienes que lidiar constantemente, o alguien que se ha convertido en una parte importante de tu vida. La Carta de Largo Alcance no es ni buena ni mala, simplemente es importante.

This is the salesman’s card and also the card of the successful entrepreneur. If these areas interest you, this is the year you could apply yourself to achieve much success and prosperity. You will have many opportunities to put these qualities to work in your life, and they could do a lot for your pocketbook. Actually, this creative energy can be applied to any work or business you are involved in with success, so think of ways you could use this. Everything involves selling of one sort or another. Watch a tendency to avoid taking responsibility or to stretch the truth to suit your needs, which are other aspects often associated with this powerful card. This card can mean that you get involved as a salesperson yourself at some point during this year. Your powers to promote things you believe in are at an all-time high. Use them for greater prosperity and happiness in your life. The Jack of Diamonds has another important meaning for those who are interested in the spiritual side of life. It often represents an initiation into higher values. This could mean that you are exposed to some new ideas or philosophies that could radically change the things that you want out of life. This could, in turn, affect your job or occupation in a big way.

La carta de Plutón revela una fuerza transformadora o un desafío que moldea tu año. Representa un deseo profundo o una meta que te impulsa a realizar cambios significativos.

This year you are wanting to be much more creative and successful in your business. Perhaps you are needing some good business ideas because things have gone stale lately. Or perhaps you are just desiring to make more money and need some good ideas and creative ways to generate more income. It will be a challenge for you, but your goal is in sight. To achieve this goal, you will have to make many changes in the way you are doing things. You will also have to take full responsibility for the success or lack of success in your life. The Jack of Diamonds is a member of the royal family, a leader, and you will have to assume creative leadership to achieve your goals this year. It is called the ‘salesman's card,’ and thus we usually get this card at times when we are either learning to promote ourselves and our products or when we actually do some selling for others. Along with all the Jacks comes the immature or dishonest aspects, and you may find yourself dealing with these aspects as well this year. Immaturity or shirking of responsibility will not get the results you want. Your Result Card will further describe this need for creativity this year or tell you who is involved in this challenge you have set before yourself.

La carta de Resultado muestra el resultado de tus esfuerzos este año, a menudo relacionado con una relación clave o una meta. Refleja lo que lograrás después de abordar los desafíos presentados por la carta de Plutón.

Somehow connected to your Pluto Card, and perhaps as a result of it, you are being transformed into a highly creative and successful money person. This could be in the role of a sales or marketing person or simply coming up with good ideas for your current business. You may not want to be the boss or take full responsibility for the business, but you will seek recognition and an outlet for your creative energies. Diversify, and you will multiply your rewards. This card is also a powerful indicator that you could end up with some younger man of the Diamonds suit by your next birthday. Whether this be a friend, lover, or family member, there is a strong indicator that the two of you will be joined in some meaningful way by year's end.

La Carta de Ambiente representa una influencia poderosa y protectora que trae bendiciones y facilidad en áreas específicas de tu vida a lo largo del año.

This card guarantees financial success if you are ready to promote or sell your ideas, products, or services. Your ability to attract the right people and then to sway them to your side is enormous this year. Use this influence to increase sales or to simply come up with better ideas on how to make more money. As the ‘salesman card,’ the Jack of Diamonds will bring more success in sales, but almost all types of business and financial enterprises will benefit.

La Carta de Desplazamiento resalta desafíos y áreas que requieren un esfuerzo extra. A menudo indica eventos o situaciones que cambian la vida y que demandan tu energía y enfoque.

Creative financial enterprises and dealings with fast-talking creative types could be a challenge for you this year, taking more of your time and energy than you had imagined. Before entering into any new finance-producing projects or partnerships, it would be wise to closely examine the deals, and those with whom you are making the deals. The Jack of Diamonds has the potential to represent dishonesty in business deals so you would want to be careful both of others who may be dishonest and of entering into deals that you know are dishonest yourself. Both are likely to prove troublesome in this influence. Men of the Diamonds suit who are romantically involved may find this area of their life to be somewhat challenging this year since the Jack of Diamonds represents you when you are in love. On a deeper level, you are being called upon to rise up to a new level of personal and professional values, one that is based upon the principles of abundance and honesty. It is fear of not having enough that often motivates us to cut corners and try to get something for nothing. But those sorts of actions always end up creating more poverty in the long run and reinforce our beliefs in the poverty itself. An attitude of abundance and of service to others always breeds more prosperity and well-being.

La Carta de Mercurio Directa nos dice cuál será el estado de tu mente y tus ocupaciones mentales para el año. También detalla cómo serán tus comunicaciones.

During this period, you are given the gift of a creative mind that can come up with some great ideas about how to make some money quickly. You may find some quick returns from investments, selling something, or some other form of marketing or promotion. This would be a great time to do some market planning for your business or to try one of your get-rich-quick schemes. You may find that one of these will involve one of the communications fields. You will find that you tend to get along very well with men of the Diamond suit this period. In a more general way, this card brings some good interactions with them for the entire year. Use this connection with them to open up new lines of communicating.

La Carta de Venus Directa nos dice cómo irán las cosas en tu hogar, con tu familia y seres queridos, y cómo será tu vida romántica durante el año. También nos dice cómo serán tus relaciones románticas este año.

During this period, you have a powerful and financially creative influence that could help you attain more money. This influence is especially good for those who sell items of luxury, beauty, for the home, or any items to women. This is also a good influence for those in the arts. Use this influence to come up with better ways of marketing yourself or your products. Your creative energies are flowing, and this could cause the money to flow your way. This card could also signal your involvement with some younger or romantic male of the Diamond suit. If so, the relationship will be congenial and pleasant. Just remember that Jacks do not always tell the truth. It could be fun though.

La Carta de Marte Directa nos dice cómo se manifestarán tus energías agresivas este año, el resultado de asuntos legales y cómo te relacionarás con los hombres en general durante el año.

This card can represent an attorney. You may be in competition with this person if you are a man. If you are a woman, you may have an attraction for him. He may also be a financial advisor or accountant. Besides these possibilities, this card gives you the ability to sell or market your ideas, products, or services with great success. This is the strongest of the financially creative influences. Used aggressively, this could reap huge returns. You may also find that there are one or more men of the Diamonds suit for whom you feel some attraction or anger during this period.

La Carta de Júpiter Directa nos dice la naturaleza de los negocios para el año o algo importante sobre cómo sacar el máximo provecho de tus negocios este año. También es la carta de las mayores bendiciones del año.

This period could be one in which your finances are helped considerably by using creative ideas for selling or marketing your products or services. Your creative and business abilities combine well now and could make you a lot of money. For those in the sales profession, this is one of the best influences. Diamonds men will be a great benefit in your life during this period and for the year. Let them show you more lucrative ways to make money.

La Carta de Saturno Directa nos dice dónde habrá más dificultades y el estado de nuestra salud.

This card can represent a businessman or associate with whom you have obligations or problems. This can be a karmic relationship, one that requires hard work and patience for success. It is necessary to regulate and balance your affairs at this time. Creative projects to make money may seem a burden to you, but this is a necessary part of establishing yourself and your future success. You will have success now, but you will need to work hard for it. Be on the lookout for men of the Diamonds suit, especially those who are younger or who may be approaching you from either a romantic or creative point of view. These are likely to prove burdensome in some way during this period.

La Carta de Urano Directa nos dice dónde habrá cambios inesperados este año, el estado de las amistades y asociaciones, y el estado de las relaciones con compañeros de trabajo y asuntos inmobiliarios.

This card may represent a Diamonds man in your life who is involved perhaps in real estate, electronics, computers, or labor relations. He can be a very good friend as long as you don’t have many expectations of how he should be. Otherwise, he will leave you feeling uncertain. In any case, he is quite creative and innovative. All of his qualities are yours during this period and you will surely reap high financial returns if you apply them in your business. Any Diamond males that you know may be acting strangely now or leaving you feeling uncertain about their intentions or commitments. It would be best just to let them go their own way and maintain an open friendship.

La Carta de Neptuno Directa ha sido llamada la carta de “esperanzas y miedos” del año. A menudo nos dice en qué estamos soñando o deseando en secreto. A veces también representa el estado de asuntos extranjeros o distantes, tanto personales como profesionales. También puede ser el contenido de nuestra mente subconsciente.

This card can represent a traveling salesman or a young merchant you meet while traveling. If so, be careful not to place too much trust in him. There could be deception involved. Otherwise, this card promises some financial success for you by applying creativity and salesmanship to your current business or profession. If your current line of work demands some creative ideas to get things moving, now is the time to do just that. Any younger men of the Diamonds suit that you meet during this period, and to a lesser extent, this entire year, are likely to be a little hard for you to see objectively. You could easily project your fantasies on them, romantic or otherwise. Therefore, it is best not to make any important decisions related to them until after your next birthday.

The Jack of Diamonds: The Charming Visionary

As a Jack of Diamonds, you possess a unique blend of creativity, intuition, and charm. Here’s a detailed, easy-to-read summary of your key traits and life path:

Key Traits:

  • Highly Intuitive: Trust your gut feelings—they often lead you in the right direction.
  • Creative and Clever: Your creativity and cleverness are your strongest assets.
  • Freedom-Loving: Independence is crucial for your happiness. You thrive when you have the freedom to explore and create.
  • Persuasive and Charming: You know how to get what you want with your charm and persuasion.
  • Dual Nature: You can be social and love the limelight, but also enjoy quiet and solitude.

Career and Success:

  • Natural Leader: You have an inherent wisdom about money and finances. People trust you, making you a natural leader.
  • Versatile: You excel in careers that allow you to use your intelligence, quick thinking, and communication skills. You’re well-suited for roles such as therapist, counselor, healer, artist, or musician.
  • Salesmanship: Known as the salesman’s card, you can sell anything you believe in. Your charm and wit make you a top-notch promoter and advertiser.
  • Financial Acumen: You have a natural ability to manage money and can be highly successful in business. However, balancing material desires with spiritual values is key to your greatest satisfaction.

Personal Life:

  • Relationships: You seek acknowledgment from those close to you and excel in creating strong personal connections. Romantic relationships can be challenging due to your independent nature, but you are a wonderful partner once committed.
  • Generous and Caring: You are generous with those you love and have a natural desire to serve others.
  • Youthful Spirit: You have a youthful spirit and enjoy being social, but also appreciate times of solitude.

Challenges and Growth:

  • Responsibility: Being responsible and aligning with your highest integrity is crucial. Avoid being too cunning or sly.
  • Self-Recognition: Recognize your personal power and potential. Doubting yourself can hinder your success.
  • Balance: Balance your material desires with spiritual wisdom. This alignment brings true fulfillment and peace.

Life Path:

  • Philanthropy and Leadership: Many Jack of Diamonds individuals are philanthropic and feel a universal obligation to use their wealth constructively. You are a visionary with the potential to lead and inspire others.
  • Spiritual Growth: Your journey involves balancing material success with spiritual growth. Embrace your intuitive abilities and creative intelligence to achieve inner peace and mastery.


The Jack of Diamonds is a card of immense potential and charm. Embrace your creativity, intuition, and persuasive abilities to excel in life. Balance your material pursuits with spiritual values for true fulfillment. Recognize your personal power, lead with integrity, and enjoy the journey of your unique and exciting life path.