Sun | Ego

Queen of Spade
Número de Secuencia
Valor Numérico




Largo Alcance
The Queen of Spades is known as the card of 'self-mastery,' the one that sits in the position of highest accomplishment and recognition in what we call the 'Spiritual Spread.' Whenever this card appears, we are given a special opportunity to achieve much success in our external life by mastering ourselves within. This means creating more success by changing our inner thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes instead of trying to alter our external circumstances. We rarely realize that it is not so much our efforts that create our successes and failures, but that it actually occurs based upon our inner attitudes and state of mind. The Queen of Spades teaches us that if we can master our inner state, we can master the universe and everything in it. Queens have their greatest power in the feminine, receptive mode. To truly receive, we must attain that state of mind in which we allow everything to come to us without hesitation. It usually requires some inner exploration to achieve this state, and this is something that most of us never do, because it is not taught as part of our culture. It is the spiritual aspirant who learns to master themselves instead of spending all their time trying to change external circumstances. And it is those aspirants who experience the real power of the feminine sides of their being, which the Queen of Spades represents. The Queen of Spades sits in the Sun position in the Spiritual Spread, which can be translated to mean the position of highest accomplishment in the spiritual sense. From this, we can infer that from the point of view of our soul and spirit, self-mastery is the highest quality we can aspire to and the one that deserves the highest recognition and reward. The Queen of Spades is a hard-working woman card and a good manager as well, so we can also expect success in work and organizational ability whenever she appears in our spreads.

La Carta de Largo Alcance describe algo o alguien que es un enfoque importante de tu atención este año. Podría ser algo en lo que estás pensando todo el tiempo, con lo que tienes que lidiar constantemente, o alguien que se ha convertido en una parte importante de tu vida. La Carta de Largo Alcance no es ni buena ni mala, simplemente es importante.

The Queen of Spades is the card of ‘self-mastery,’ and many of those represented by this card have accomplished just that. They have an inner calm that speaks of knowledge and experience that can be successfully applied to any area. In any case, they are good business people with strong character. Their work is often a ‘labor of the spirit,’ meaning that they do it for more than just the material rewards it offers. The Queen of Spades is the second most powerful card in the deck and you are most fortunate to have her with you this year. This is a year when you can accomplish your dreams, but not by the usual approach. This year, all success comes from within you by mastering the causes of all your exterior events by mastery of yourself. By seeing that nothing happens in your life without your permission, you reclaim your power to create the world you desire without trying to change others. This year you will have the qualities of the Queen of Spades at your disposal, and this could indeed be a year of mastery and accomplishment for you. Recognize the power that you have now, and apply it wherever you desire. Look within for your answers, and let that inner knowing help you in all your external endeavors. If your Birth Card happens to be a Spade and you are a female, the Queen of Spades as your Long-Range Card could also mean a lot of focus on your role as a mother or a romantic partner for the year. For single women, this can often be a sign of new relationships coming into their lives.

La carta de Plutón revela una fuerza transformadora o un desafío que moldea tu año. Representa un deseo profundo o una meta que te impulsa a realizar cambios significativos.

Somehow connected to your Result Card for this year, you are attempting to develop a sense of mastery from within, a greater level of organizational ability, or both. The Queen of Spades is a powerful card, and you are indeed asking for a lot. Self-mastery comes from inner knowledge and self-control. It comes from controlling one's thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, words, and actions guided by higher principles. It is knowing that you can have everything you want, not by changing the world, but by changing yourself. The Queen of Spades can be a card of drudgery and hard labor. It would not be surprising if you found yourself having to work very hard this year and possibly doing work that you find somewhat distasteful or tedious. Spades are work, and the Queen uses her work as Karma Yoga, a tool to purify her thoughts and emotions. This is the goal that you have set before yourself, and you must have good reasons for why you want this. Keep these reasons uppermost in your mind as you progress through the year. You no doubt will have to make some changes both within and outside of yourself to achieve this goal, and it will not always be easy. There also may be someone important, represented by your Result Card, that is part of this goal you are seeking. The Result Card may also give you more clues about what particular area of your life you desire to be more internally masterful about.

La carta de Resultado muestra el resultado de tus esfuerzos este año, a menudo relacionado con una relación clave o una meta. Refleja lo que lograrás después de abordar los desafíos presentados por la carta de Plutón.

This powerful card of spiritual attainment guarantees that whatever the major challenges and changes of this year, represented by your Pluto Card, you will achieve success related to them and also success in any area of your life by going within for your answers and making fundamental changes in yourself. Though these changes may be very difficult at times, the end result will be well worth the efforts expended. This card is also a powerful indicator that you could end up with some woman of the Spades suit by your next birthday. Whether this be a friend, lover, or family member, there is a strong indicator that the two of you will be joined in some meaningful way by year's end.

La Carta de Ambiente representa una influencia poderosa y protectora que trae bendiciones y facilidad en áreas específicas de tu vida a lo largo del año.

Blessings and good fortune this year will come through hard work, organization, and spiritual self-mastery. This is an important year when you could actually make some important inner changes that could alter the way you perceive your life and in turn, alter your destiny. In particular, you may find it relatively easy to achieve a measure of self-mastery this year that seems to attract everything you need without your having to work so hard for it. So, though this card indicates success through hard work, you can also benefit from going within and learning how to attract what you want to you without effort. For more information, read the Basic Meaning of the Queen of Spades. If you are a Spades woman, benefits will come through your role as a mother, wife, or as a romantic partner. Everyone else will benefit from relationships with Spades women of all denominations.

La Carta de Desplazamiento resalta desafíos y áreas que requieren un esfuerzo extra. A menudo indica eventos o situaciones que cambian la vida y que demandan tu energía y enfoque.

You may find that you are caught up in a job or occupation that is somewhat tedious this year or that you are dealing with your own personal struggle in the drama of your life. The Queen of Spades tells us that you have a need this year to rise above the entire concept of struggle to a new life where you allow things to come to you more easily. It is our state of mind, beliefs, and attitudes that determine how our life is perceived, of course. "You work hard, and then you die" mentality as a matter of course governs the lives of millions of people today. If you feel that your life is just a continuous struggle in some areas, this year will give you the opportunity to examine your beliefs and attitudes so you may transform this into a life with more blessings and less effort. The Queen of Spades requires inner work, not outer struggle. If we look within, we will see where we are the cause of the ups and downs of our life and be able to make some important changes that can bring greater success and more ease and comfort. If you are a female of the Spades suit, this card could also represent some challenges for you in your role as a mother, wife, or romantic partner. One or more of these areas will require more of your attention this year or seem to be a burden at times. On a positive note, you are in the middle of a very auspicious cycle in your life this year. Last year, you were in the pinnacle position and next year, you will be in the most blessed position. The inner work you do this year is a preparation for the blessings that will come next year. The more you can open yourself up to receive, the more you will benefit from this most important time in your life.

La Carta de Mercurio Directa nos dice cuál será el estado de tu mente y tus ocupaciones mentales para el año. También detalla cómo serán tus comunicaciones.

During this period, you will have the opportunity to experience 'Mastery of your Mind.' This translates as having control over your thoughts, which in turn controls the things you manifest in your life. Take responsibility for what you create in your world by realizing that the way you think determines how things show up in your life. Also during this period, you may find yourself working hard at some mental project. Your organizational skills are high now.

La Carta de Venus Directa nos dice cómo irán las cosas en tu hogar, con tu familia y seres queridos, y cómo será tu vida romántica durante el año. También nos dice cómo serán tus relaciones románticas este año.

During this period, you can expect better results with all your personal relationships, because you are going to be able to handle your feelings and emotions better. Romance will fall into its proper place in your life, as you develop your power to control your affections and emotions. Things will be running smoothly at home also, as you apply a firm, but wise hand to everyone and everything that comes up. Enjoy this time of 'Spiritual Self-Mastery.' Relationships with any Spade females you know should be quite enjoyable during this period. As a matter of fact, there may be one or two of them that play an important role now, one that is either very romantic, friendly, or pleasant in some other way.

La Carta de Marte Directa nos dice cómo se manifestarán tus energías agresivas este año, el resultado de asuntos legales y cómo te relacionarás con los hombres en general durante el año.

During this period, you can expect greater results from your work and the things that you are passionately pursuing, because now, you have control over yourself and your desires. This, in turn, will bring you more success in work and legal matters, as you develop patience and understanding that attracts success to you. You may have to work very hard now, but your organizational ability will help keep everything in its place and help keep you on the right track. You may also find that there are one or more women of the Spades suit for whom you feel some attraction or anger during this period.

La Carta de Júpiter Directa nos dice la naturaleza de los negocios para el año o algo importante sobre cómo sacar el máximo provecho de tus negocios este año. También es la carta de las mayores bendiciones del año.

This is a powerful spiritual influence that will also have a powerful and beneficial influence on your business and money situation. Through mastery of yourself, you will be able to attract good luck into your life. This is the time to apply your organizational ability and to diligently work hard. Doing this could bring you more financial success than you realize. Finances should be running smoothly now and throughout this entire year to a lesser extent. The power of this card is manifested when we make changes in our inner attitudes and beliefs. You could be amazed at just how much success you could have now without having to change anything in your world, except yourself. This card brings the realization that everything stems from within us and the power to demonstrate that truth in our lives in a tangible way. Any and all women who have Birth Cards of the Spades suit could be a financial or other blessing to you this year. Look to them for guidance and help.

La Carta de Saturno Directa nos dice dónde habrá más dificultades y el estado de nuestra salud.

This powerful card of self-mastery will give you what it takes to overcome any health problems or other difficulties that you may have been dealing with this year. By taking total responsibility for your health and your life, you will be in a position to make some changes that will have a positive impact. You may find that you have to work very hard now, but the rewards of better health and fewer problems will be worth it. You are learning secrets about how to improve your life from within, which is one of the highest spiritual achievements. Be on the lookout for women of the Spades suit, especially those who you are romantically involved with. These are likely to prove troublesome or burdensome in some way during this period.

La Carta de Urano Directa nos dice dónde habrá cambios inesperados este año, el estado de las amistades y asociaciones, y el estado de las relaciones con compañeros de trabajo y asuntos inmobiliarios.

This is a highly spiritual influence that could indicate a time when you have some profound experiences of awakening and self-realization. There are bound to be some interesting experiences during this period that lift you to new levels of understanding and awareness. On the practical side, you will find that your work and real estate concerns are going very well, as you work hard and apply this new understanding to the mundane situations in your life. Any women of the Spades suit may seem to be somewhat unpredictable during this period, and to a lesser extent for the entire year. To insure success in your relationships with them, it would be best to just step back and allow them to do or be whatever they need to. A good friendship comes from unconditional love and acceptance.

La Carta de Neptuno Directa ha sido llamada la carta de “esperanzas y miedos” del año. A menudo nos dice en qué estamos soñando o deseando en secreto. A veces también representa el estado de asuntos extranjeros o distantes, tanto personales como profesionales. También puede ser el contenido de nuestra mente subconsciente.

Through meditation and inner reflection you could achieve some meaningful changes in your life. Your deepest dreams, the ones that are a major driving force in your life, are being uplifted to new levels. Expect some realizations that are profound and life-altering. On the mundane side, many areas of your life are going better now as you stop trying to change others and make changes in yourself that allow you to experience more joy and success. Any women of the Spades suit that you meet during this period, and to a lesser extent, this entire year, are likely to be a little hard for you to see objectively. You could easily project your fantasies on them, romantic or otherwise. Therefore, it is best not to make any important decisions related to them until after your next birthday.

Queen of Spades: A Journey of Determination and Wisdom

As a Queen of Spades, you embody a unique blend of determination, intelligence, and spiritual insight. Your life is marked by a profound potential to achieve greatness, but it requires self-mastery and focused dedication. Here’s an engaging summary of what it means to be born under this influential card:

Key Traits:

  • Determined and Focused: You find your greatest strength in being dedicated to a specific goal or purpose.
  • Intuitive and Intelligent: You have a natural gift for intuition and intelligence, which can guide you to success in various fields.
  • Independent and Responsible: You are highly independent and responsible, traits that make you a natural leader and ruler.

Career and Success:

  • Leadership Potential: As a Queen of Spades, you are born to lead and direct. You have the authority and wisdom to manage others and achieve high accomplishments.
  • Educational Drive: You are a quick learner and understand the importance of education and training. Teaching and healing are powerful avenues for you.
  • Creative and Artistic: You may have creative talents that can manifest in acting, singing, dancing, or inspirational writing, especially later in life.

Personal Life:

  • Balancing Roles: It’s important to avoid getting caught up in menial tasks and instead focus on realizing your true potential.
  • Loyal and Supportive: You have a strong sense of responsibility towards your loved ones and are willing to work hard for their well-being.
  • Intuitive Relationships: Your high degree of intuition helps you build meaningful and supportive relationships.

Challenges and Growth:

  • Self-Mastery: Achieving self-mastery is crucial. Recognize and harness your powerful gifts to reach your highest potential.
  • Avoiding Legal Entanglements: It’s best to steer clear of mixing love and money, as legal matters can be troublesome.
  • Positive Attitude: Maintaining a positive attitude is essential for your health and overall well-being.


The Queen of Spades represents a life of great potential and responsibility. By focusing on your inner wisdom and maintaining a dedicated path, you can achieve unparalleled success and fulfillment. Embrace your intuitive abilities, lead with compassion, and trust in your capacity to manifest your desires. Your journey is one of self-mastery, and with determination and focus, you can reach any heights you aspire to.