Sun | Ego

Two of Hearts
Número de Secuencia
Valor Numérico




Largo Alcance
The Two of Hearts literally means a 'union of hearts.' This card speaks of your close relationships, including lovers, marriage partner, or closest friends. For someone desiring a relationship, this could be the best possible card to have since it is one of the strongest love affair cards. It can also mean time spent with dear friends or family members. Even the birth of a child can show up as a Two of Hearts, since the pairing of a mother or father with a baby can be much like a love affair. Whenever the Two of Hearts appears, you can be certain that you will be spending some time with someone you love.

La Carta de Largo Alcance describe algo o alguien que es un enfoque importante de tu atención este año. Podría ser algo en lo que estás pensando todo el tiempo, con lo que tienes que lidiar constantemente, o alguien que se ha convertido en una parte importante de tu vida. La Carta de Largo Alcance no es ni buena ni mala, simplemente es importante.

The Two of Hearts literally means a 'union of hearts.' With the card of the lovers in such a prominent position this year, you can bet that relationships of all kinds are one of the most important issues for you. If you are single, it is likely that you will be experiencing important relationships this year. You may even have more than one romantic involvement. What this year is about for you is to learn what your needs are for a partnership, what kind of partner is best for you, and just where you stand on the whole issue of love and romance. It may be that you are just getting back into the dating scene and are looking for that special person to complete your picture of a happy home and social life. If you are married, the same could apply between you and your spouse, but it is more likely that your close friends would take on a level of prominence for you and that you will go through the same process of finding out where you stand in the area of friendships. In some cases, a love affair comes along to rekindle those fires of passion. In any case, love and feelings are important and will be a big part of your life.

La carta de Plutón revela una fuerza transformadora o un desafío que moldea tu año. Representa un deseo profundo o una meta que te impulsa a realizar cambios significativos.

A major goal for you this year will be to have a successful love relationship or friendship. For this reason, this is the year that you will make many changes within yourself in the name of love, friendship, or romance. Whether you are interested in the partner of your dreams or just good, close friendships, you will have to take a different approach in your life if you are to be successful in these areas. Love and intimacy require compromise and cooperation, two of the keynotes for this card of the 'love union.' Your intense desire for this closeness will cause you to confront some of the parts of yourself that tend to keep this intimacy from you. At times, this may seem very challenging or difficult, but it helps to keep in mind your reasons for facing these situations—to have more intimacy in your life. There may be a certain person, indicated by the Result Card, who is the main challenge for you this year and shows you, whether intentionally or not, the changes you need to make to have the love you want. If not a person, the Result Card will point to other aspects of this goal or challenge that you have put before yourself this year. It is clear that you want successful relationships and are willing to work for them.

La carta de Resultado muestra el resultado de tus esfuerzos este año, a menudo relacionado con una relación clave o una meta. Refleja lo que lograrás después de abordar los desafíos presentados por la carta de Plutón.

The result of many of your efforts this year will be a satisfactory love partnership or at the very least, a deep friendship. The Two of Hearts is the 'Love Affair Card,' and it is obvious that this is one of your major goals for the year. Though you may have to make changes in your life or behavior, be assured that you will achieve your desired wish. Your Pluto Card will tell you more about this union of hearts or describe the person you are pursuing.

La Carta de Ambiente representa una influencia poderosa y protectora que trae bendiciones y facilidad en áreas específicas de tu vida a lo largo del año.

The Two of Hearts will never be anyone's Environment Card because it is one of the Semi-Fixed Cards

La Carta de Desplazamiento resalta desafíos y áreas que requieren un esfuerzo extra. A menudo indica eventos o situaciones que cambian la vida y que demandan tu energía y enfoque.

The Two of Hearts will never be anyone's Displacement Card because it is one of the Semi-Fixed Cards

La Carta de Mercurio Directa nos dice cuál será el estado de tu mente y tus ocupaciones mentales para el año. También detalla cómo serán tus comunicaciones.

This time period could bring a sudden or unexpected relationship, passion for someone, or meeting of lovers or dear friends. This is a good influence for getting together with a close friend to share intellectual pursuits. Mercury's influence brings a flirtatious and flighty nature into your life, and you may be learning about love through experimentation and variety now. Relationships may not last long during this period, but they will be enjoyable.

La Carta de Venus Directa nos dice cómo irán las cosas en tu hogar, con tu familia y seres queridos, y cómo será tu vida romántica durante el año. También nos dice cómo serán tus relaciones románticas este año.

This time period should bring you a very satisfying love relationship. This is one of the best indicators of love and happiness in relationships of all sorts. In particular, you may have a satisfying reunion with a dear friend or lover. This could also be the time that you meet someone new and get off on the right foot for a long-term love affair, friendship, or marriage. Relationships now are somewhat blessed and bring positive energy into your life.

La Carta de Marte Directa nos dice cómo se manifestarán tus energías agresivas este año, el resultado de asuntos legales y cómo te relacionarás con los hombres en general durante el año.

This time period brings relationships that are aggressive, stimulating, and intense. Over-aggressiveness could lead to quarreling and disruptions, though this is a good influence for sexual pleasure. Control this energy, and you could reap its more positive aspects. Just be aware that this Martian aggressiveness can result in anger or quarreling if not handled carefully. Use this energy to expand your circle of male friends.

La Carta de Júpiter Directa nos dice la naturaleza de los negocios para el año o algo importante sobre cómo sacar el máximo provecho de tus negocios este año. También es la carta de las mayores bendiciones del año.

During this period, you can expect financial and spiritual gains through partnerships and close personal relationships of all kinds. This is a good influence for a personal relationship with a business partner, which is not usually recommended. Jupiter's beneficial influence casts a warm and healthy light on all your personal relationships during this period. Any friendships or love affairs now will likely be blessings in your life in more ways than one. In some situations, this card can also represent a successful childbirth.

La Carta de Saturno Directa nos dice dónde habrá más dificultades y el estado de nuestra salud.

This period may bring a karmic relationship into your life. You may have a close friend or lover who needs your help to battle an illness or burden. They may, in turn, become a burden for you. Any intimate affairs begun now will likely have a fated quality about them and are likely to be challenging in one or more ways. You may be learning about the responsibilities that go along with love or your sexual expression. The net result of such 'lessons in love' will be a more mature you, capable of acting with integrity and fairness in your most intimate relationships.

La Carta de Urano Directa nos dice dónde habrá cambios inesperados este año, el estado de las amistades y asociaciones, y el estado de las relaciones con compañeros de trabajo y asuntos inmobiliarios.

The planetary influence of Uranus will bring about an element of the unusual and unexpected to your close relationships and partnerships during this period. Your status quo may be disrupted by a partnership or friendship, or you may find yourself in an unusual romantic affair. There may be time spent with a close friend at work or one that you meet in some community affair. This is a good time to make good friends who will love you for yourself.

La Carta de Neptuno Directa ha sido llamada la carta de “esperanzas y miedos” del año. A menudo nos dice en qué estamos soñando o deseando en secreto. A veces también representa el estado de asuntos extranjeros o distantes, tanto personales como profesionales. También puede ser el contenido de nuestra mente subconsciente.

This period may bring a very romantic and idealistic love affair or friendship. You may meet someone while traveling, or it could also be a secret or mystical affair. Neptune's glamour may prevent you from being objective. The person you meet may seem to be the one of your dreams, but caution is advised. Postpone any important decisions about love until after your birthday. Also, be watchful for miscommunications that could stir up trouble between you. This card will actually affect you for the entire year, causing you to yearn for some sort of perfect love or lover. You are dreaming about your soul mate, but only time will tell if this person actually shows up.

Two of Hearts: The Lovers’ Journey

The Two of Hearts represents partnerships, romance, and love. If you’re a Two of Hearts, you’re sensitive and profoundly affected by your surroundings and how others treat you. Love, support, acknowledgment, and acceptance are crucial for your well-being. Without them, you may feel ill or depressed.

Personality Traits:

  • Sensitive and Curious: You are wonderfully curious and interested in others, preferring to be in partnership rather than alone, both personally and professionally.
  • Desire for Union: Your strong desire for a soul mate motivates many of your choices. You love to communicate and have a natural interest in foreign cultures and people.
  • Balanced Life: Cultivating a balance between your heart and mind is a lifelong journey. Embracing both equally brings happiness and fulfillment.

Career and Occupation:

  • Stable and Harmonious: Life tends to be harmonious and somewhat static. You prefer peace and stability, making real estate and farming suitable career choices.
  • Creative Talents: You may be drawn to the stage, becoming great actors, musicians, or artists. Financial stability often comes through associations with people of wealth and good standing.
  • Business and Diplomacy: You can succeed in business, secret service, diplomacy, and government roles. Friendly relationships and social connections increase your success.

Challenges and Sacrifices:

  • High Ideals in Love: Your high ideals about love and marriage can be challenging to meet. Love is the central theme of your life, and you may experience disappointments until you find the right person.
  • Financial Worries: Financial fears may crop up and need careful handling to avoid affecting your health. Remember the principle of giving to receive.

Spiritual and Personal Growth:

  • Metaphysical Interests: A study of metaphysics brings positive guidance and fulfillment. Many of you have natural psychic abilities that can be used for fun or profit.
  • Family Attachments: Family attachments can be strong, especially in women. Marrying older or financially stable partners can provide a comfortable living.

Numerological Insights:

  • Two: Represents union, cooperation, and the search for a complementary other half. Twos are peacemakers who understand the law of harmony and seek balance in life.
  • Hearts: Symbolize youth, love, and emotions. They rule the arts, music, poetry, and any pursuit of beauty. Hearts make the most affectionate lovers and friends.

Life Approach:

  • High Sensitivity: Your high sensitivity can make you shy and perceptive. Developed intuition, patience, and the ability to nurture others are your strengths.
  • Enjoy Relationships: You prefer being in a relationship and are willing to wait for the right person. Once in love, you are loyal and dedicated.
  • Balance Work and Love: Balancing your professional and love life is key to avoiding heartache and disappointment.


  • Embrace Love: Let yourself be loved thoroughly and don’t be afraid to show your sensitivity.
  • Avoid Financial Worries: Handle financial fears carefully to maintain health and well-being.
  • Pursue Metaphysics: Exploring metaphysical interests can provide valuable guidance and happiness.


The Two of Hearts is all about love, partnerships, and finding balance. Your journey is marked by sensitivity, curiosity, and a strong desire for union. Embracing your emotional and intellectual sides equally will lead to a fulfilling and harmonious life. Remember, your sensitivity is your strength, and your quest for love is your driving force.