Sun | Ego

Seven of Clubs
Número de Secuencia
Valor Numérico




Largo Alcance
When the Seven of Clubs is present, you will either be exposed to spiritual knowledge, which is knowledge that leads one back to the self, or you will be challenged to let go of mental attitudes and beliefs that are keeping you trapped on lower levels of thought. The lowest side of this card is negative thinking. The highest side is mental and spiritual revelation, expanded consciousness. How it manifests for you will depend upon your ability to elevate your thinking.

La Carta de Largo Alcance describe algo o alguien que es un enfoque importante de tu atención este año. Podría ser algo en lo que estás pensando todo el tiempo, con lo que tienes que lidiar constantemente, o alguien que se ha convertido en una parte importante de tu vida. La Carta de Largo Alcance no es ni buena ni mala, simplemente es importante.

This year you will be adopting some new and powerful ways of thinking that will change your life for the better and help you overcome any negative aspects of your thinking that are keeping you back. It is also likely that you will be sharing these new models for thinking with others. A realization that your own thought patterns are largely responsible for the success or failure in your life is prompting you to consciously adopt new patterns of thought and belief. You may be reading new books or taking workshops that reveal to you the science of positive affirmations. As you practice these affirmations, you will want to share them with others, and much internal success can be had by doing just that. In practicing positive thinking and sharing that with others, it is likely that you will arrive at a new plateau of consciousness and have many mini-enlightenments as you go through this powerful year. The Seven of Clubs is called the card of ‘spiritual knowledge.’ Any study of philosophies and ideas related to the higher mind or spiritual ways of thinking will bring you nothing but good this year.

La carta de Plutón revela una fuerza transformadora o un desafío que moldea tu año. Representa un deseo profundo o una meta que te impulsa a realizar cambios significativos.

This year you have taken on, or will be handed, a major challenge, which will bring your thinking up to a more positive and productive level. Whether by your own hand or forced upon you by events and circumstances, you will discover that your own thinking is the source of many of your problems and that you have the power to change them by changing your attitudes and thoughts. Attachments to old ways of looking at things will have to be let go of as you elevate yourself and your life by using your mind to create a better life. Much of the knowledge to accomplish this goal may come through spiritual or uplifting books or classes. You may be exposed to many new ideas and concepts, and though you may see that these new ideas and concepts can help you, they will not always be easy to put into practice. However, this card guarantees that you have the power to make the necessary changes and be successful with this internal struggle. Your Result Card will either point to someone who will help you accomplish this goal or give you more information about what is involved in this new way of thinking.

La carta de Resultado muestra el resultado de tus esfuerzos este año, a menudo relacionado con una relación clave o una meta. Refleja lo que lograrás después de abordar los desafíos presentados por la carta de Plutón.

The Seven of Clubs as the Result Card means you will learn to let go of self-defeating patterns of thinking and communicating. To overcome the challenges that you face this year, you will adopt positive attitudes or new sets of beliefs. You may be learning or sharing spiritual wisdom, or perhaps someone or something will remind you that ‘As a man thinketh, so he is.’ Your Pluto Card will give you more information about the new, positive, spiritual consciousness that you achieve.

La Carta de Ambiente representa una influencia poderosa y protectora que trae bendiciones y facilidad en áreas específicas de tu vida a lo largo del año.

This is a year that you could receive many benefits from exposure to ‘spiritual knowledge.’ Spiritual knowledge comprises any sort of information that leads us back to a deeper understanding of ourselves. So, you could take some workshops, read some new books, or meet new people who expose you to some of this knowledge. If so, open yourself up to receive. This information will be nothing less than a blessing in your life and a source of many good things.

La Carta de Desplazamiento resalta desafíos y áreas que requieren un esfuerzo extra. A menudo indica eventos o situaciones que cambian la vida y que demandan tu energía y enfoque.

Underlying all the different events and experiences of this year will be a subtle personal challenge that you will be facing and working on. This will likely be that of your learning to adopt a more positive attitude and a more positive expression of your ideas, feelings, etc. The Seven of Clubs represents a higher, spiritual mind. In its highest state, this card brings profound realizations about the true meanings of life along with a sense of unencumbered freedom from all of life's worries and fears. You might say that this is one of your goals this year, to achieve more of the high side of this card. In doing so, you may face negative patterns of thought and communications that are holding you back in an old habitually negative response to life. If you are interested in spiritual philosophy and concepts, this will be the year that you have to put these into solid practice. This may seem like a difficult year in some respects, but it has a very good purpose as seen from a higher perspective. You are being prepared for a rebirth into a newer and much higher life than you have been living lately. After all, you are in the middle of one of the most significant cycles of your life, one which peaks next year as you reach the Pinnacle position. This year of mental house-cleaning will be just the right kind of preparation you need to fully experience the wonderful changes that are coming.

La Carta de Mercurio Directa nos dice cuál será el estado de tu mente y tus ocupaciones mentales para el año. También detalla cómo serán tus comunicaciones.

During this period, and this year to a lesser extent, you are being exposed to higher ways of thinking and will be given opportunities to transform negativity into revelation. Perhaps you have become attached to some plans or ideas that are being challenged. Maybe you notice how much you are worrying and want to change it. Now is the time to practice positive affirmations. You truly are what you think, and now you are given a chance to prove it. Your other Mercury Card may tell you who or what you are learning to develop a more positive attitude about. In any case, a strong bottom card, such as a Four, Eight, or Ten, would help mitigate the negative aspects of this card, which can bring a lot of worry or frustration. On the high side, this is a great influence for your acquiring some new information on the spiritual side of things. Keep on the lookout for good books, tapes, and workshops that may open you up to a different side of life.

La Carta de Venus Directa nos dice cómo irán las cosas en tu hogar, con tu familia y seres queridos, y cómo será tu vida romántica durante el año. También nos dice cómo serán tus relaciones románticas este año.

This period could bring challenges or obstacles to your most heartfelt desires. This could manifest as an argument with a woman or loved one. You may be the subject of gossip or have opposition to plans, especially related to love. You can transform any negative experiences now by elevating your attitudes and letting go of fear and attachments. Bear in mind that your own plans may not be the best for you, that something better is possible if your mind is open. Your other Venus Card may tell you who or what the emotional or personal challenge is about. Also, keep in mind that a strong or powerful other Venus Card, such as a Four, Eight, or Ten, could mitigate the adversity of this card and bring about very positive results from a challenging situation.

La Carta de Marte Directa nos dice cómo se manifestarán tus energías agresivas este año, el resultado de asuntos legales y cómo te relacionarás con los hombres en general durante el año.

This is a strong influence for arguments, ones that bring on problems, worry, and pessimism. Your relationships with men in general could be a bit difficult during this period, but the solution to your problems lies within you, not in them. Opposition to your plans or desires can illicit anger and negativity in you at this time. Caution is advised in all legal matters and affairs with men until you can take full responsibility for your attitudes and beliefs. Fear is often at the root of all anger and negative thinking. Elevate your mind now with positive affirmations, and expose yourself to sources of spiritual knowledge and inspiration to get the most good from this period. Look to your other Mars Card to find out what or who is involved in the challenges that may arise during this period. Also, keep in mind that a positive card, such as a Four, Eight, or Ten, would tell you that regardless of the challenges present, you are likely to have a happy and productive outcome to the situations that present themselves during this fifty-two-day period.

La Carta de Júpiter Directa nos dice la naturaleza de los negocios para el año o algo importante sobre cómo sacar el máximo provecho de tus negocios este año. También es la carta de las mayores bendiciones del año.

Any challenges in business or finances during this period can be traced to negative attitudes or self-limiting plans and ideas. Now is the time to expand your thinking and elevate your thoughts for business and personal success. Exposure to any form of spiritual knowledge will be profitable in more ways than one and will help you attain the high states of realization associated with this card. Remember that thoughts are things and that you are who you think you are. This card can bring financial and spiritual rewards from the study of mystical knowledge or self-improvement subjects.

La Carta de Saturno Directa nos dice dónde habrá más dificultades y el estado de nuestra salud.

Negative attitudes, worry, and pessimism can affect your health at this time. In some cases, scandal or backbiting are involved. A positive attitude, patience, and mental discipline are a MUST in order to maintain your well-being. During this period, you will be faced squarely with the effects of your own negative attitudes and beliefs. Spiritual and mental discipline is the key to mastering not only yourself, but any problems on the external level. Also, bear in mind that the difficulties or challenges indicated by this card could be offset by a strong card in the other Saturn position, for example, any of the Fours, Eights, or Tens.

La Carta de Urano Directa nos dice dónde habrá cambios inesperados este año, el estado de las amistades y asociaciones, y el estado de las relaciones con compañeros de trabajo y asuntos inmobiliarios.

This period could bring unexpected trouble or doubts related to work, a friend, or a real estate transaction. Perhaps some plans you have made were unexpectedly interrupted. Under this highly spiritual influence, you must be prepared to let go of your plans and adopt a positive attitude in spite of whatever circumstances present themselves. Then you may experience the ‘higher mind’ potential of this card, cosmic consciousness, and freedom from worry and concern. This is a good influence for spiritual matters, learning new spiritual information, attending classes, etc. Also, keep in mind that a positive card, such as a Four, Eight, or Ten, in the other position of this period would offset any problematic situations that may arise and bring about good results overall.

La Carta de Neptuno Directa ha sido llamada la carta de “esperanzas y miedos” del año. A menudo nos dice en qué estamos soñando o deseando en secreto. A veces también representa el estado de asuntos extranjeros o distantes, tanto personales como profesionales. También puede ser el contenido de nuestra mente subconsciente.

This is an influence of worrying over imaginary problems. Your confusion could stem from a heightened imagination, stimulated by Neptune. Strive for balance and common sense. Some cherished ideal may be thwarted or confused by events. Travel may have many disappointing experiences connected with it. However, if you apply the spiritual quality of this card by releasing fears and attachments to your plans, you could experience the higher consciousness of this card. This is an excellent influence for the pursuit of spiritual knowledge—reading books, taking classes, etc. that will deepen your understanding of life and how you fit into it.

Seven of Clubs: The Charismatic and Insightful Messenger

The Seven of Clubs represents a charming, sociable, and intelligent individual with a unique blend of charisma and perceptiveness. Known as the card of “inspired knowledge,” you have the potential to achieve great success through your intuition and creativity. Your ability to share knowledge and inspire others is one of your greatest strengths.

Personality Traits:

  • Charming and Sociable: You are great with people, possess excellent communication skills, and can network and organize effectively.
  • Kind and Intelligent: Your kindness and intelligence make you a natural leader and a beloved friend.
  • Creative and Enthusiastic: You have a knack for inspiring others with your enthusiasm and creative ideas.

Career and Occupation:

  • Leadership Roles: You are designed to be a leader and do well in positions of authority where you can guide and inspire others.
  • Communication and Networking: Your excellent communication skills make you well-suited for roles in sales, promotion, and any field requiring interaction with people.
  • Creative Fields: Your artistic talents can lead to success in the arts, whether it’s acting, writing, or other forms of creative expression.

Challenges and Growth:

  • Overcoming Negative Thoughts: Worry, fear, and pessimism can hold you back. Replacing these with trust, faith, and positive thinking is crucial.
  • Following Intuition: Trusting your inner guidance leads to your greatest successes. When you ignore it, hardship and challenges arise.
  • Financial Management: While you have luck with money, managing it wisely is essential to avoid financial pitfalls.

Numerological Insights:

  • Seven: The number seven symbolizes spiritual victory and the quest for higher truth. It represents a highly intuitive and spiritual path.
  • Clubs: Clubs represent intelligence and communication, symbolizing the search for truth and the ability to articulate and debate ideas effectively.

Life Approach:

  • Trust Your Intuition: Your intuition is your strongest guide and will always lead you in the right direction.
  • Embrace Change and Variety: You love change and variety, which keeps your life exciting and fulfilling.
  • Pursue Continuous Learning: Your natural curiosity and love for knowledge drive you to constantly seek new learning and life experiences.


  • Stay Positive: Maintaining positive, healing thoughts is essential to overcoming challenges and achieving success.
  • Follow Your Passion: Finding and pursuing your passion with dedication ensures success and fulfillment.
  • Build Strong Partnerships: Partnerships provide stability and support your financial success and personal fulfillment.


The Seven of Clubs is a symbol of charisma, intelligence, and intuition. Your journey is marked by a quest for knowledge and a commitment to sharing it with others. Embrace your natural gifts, trust your intuition, and stay positive. Your path is one of creativity, wisdom, and love, and following it will lead to a fulfilling and successful life.