Sun | Ego

Six of Hearts
Número de Secuencia
Valor Numérico




Largo Alcance
The Six of Hearts is a powerful influence of balance and peace in per- sonal relationships. How it affects you will largely depend upon your current status in your love life and how responsible you have been in that area. This card will demand that all outstanding love debts be settled and will encourage you to take responsibility for your actions and words in your closest relationships. You may find that you have to make compromises and adjustments to accomplish this as well. On a more universal level, the Six of Hearts may also reveal to you a special purpose in your life, one of helping others by sharing love with them. You may become aware of a special mission that you are to perform when this card appears. It is the card of peace and of intui- tively knowing how to love others in a spiritual sense. Sometimes we have a fated meeting when the Six of Hearts is present. There are some relationships that we are destined to experience due to our actions in previous lives. The Six of Hearts can indicate the timing of the beginning of such a relationship. Its actual position may tell just what sort of relationship it will be or how you will experience it.

La Carta de Largo Alcance describe algo o alguien que es un enfoque importante de tu atención este año. Podría ser algo en lo que estás pensando todo el tiempo, con lo que tienes que lidiar constantemente, o alguien que se ha convertido en una parte importante de tu vida. La Carta de Largo Alcance no es ni buena ni mala, simplemente es importante.

The Six of Hearts is a symbol of stability and perhaps monotony in love and affections. For those who seek a secure foundation in love, this could be a welcome situation, though there will likely be compromises and lessons. At the same time, the karmic nature of the six indicates the possibility of relationships that are in some way paying off old debts, even from past lives. If a significant new relationship does enter your life this year, you can bet that this will bring with it the balancing of the karmic scales in terms of love and affection. This year will show you the value of giving as you 'reap what you sow' in the areas of love. Whatever the specific nature of the events in your relationships this year, it is sure that what you will be experiencing will help you develop an appreciation for being responsible for yourself as far as your romantic and friendship connections are concerned.

La carta de Plutón revela una fuerza transformadora o un desafío que moldea tu año. Representa un deseo profundo o una meta que te impulsa a realizar cambios significativos.

Some of the major keywords for this year are compromise and responsibility in love. It is likely that you will be confronted with many situations where you see clearly how you behave in relationships and how that behavior affects others in your life. This can be with friends or associates, but usually it is with someone with whom we are intimately involved. You may find yourself involved in one or more challenging relationships that don't seem to go the way you want them to until you expend a lot of energy to work things out. These 'destined' relationships will often be strong mirrors of ourselves that help us see how we are behaving in our most intimate relationships. The lessons they teach us are often difficult, but the value of what we learn is immeasurable. This powerful karma card will challenge you to make adjustments and compromises in order to be fair and just in all your relationships.

La carta de Resultado muestra el resultado de tus esfuerzos este año, a menudo relacionado con una relación clave o una meta. Refleja lo que lograrás después de abordar los desafíos presentados por la carta de Plutón.

At this time in your life, the challenges you face will have a lot to do with showing you the results of your past actions among those who are and have been closest to you. This karmic influence tells us that you will be taught much about the law of love. 'As you sow, so shall you reap' captures it in a nutshell. There may be one or more relationships where affectional debts from the past are settled. The Pluto Card may be the birth card of one of these people. This card can also bring you a special gift by your next birthday. You could discover, by turning your attention within, to a special purpose for your life, one that involves loving others in a specific way. This purpose could transform your life, giving it more meaningful direction.

La Carta de Ambiente representa una influencia poderosa y protectora que trae bendiciones y facilidad en áreas específicas de tu vida a lo largo del año.

Having the ‘peacemaker’s card’ as your Environment Card, this year will bring many blessings from helping others and from being responsible in all your love relationships. You could actually receive some good karmic pay-backs from loving others in the past. There is an outside possibility that you could meet a new lover who is actually someone you have known in a past life, but it is more likely that there will be little change, if any, in your romantic life.

La Carta de Desplazamiento resalta desafíos y áreas que requieren un esfuerzo extra. A menudo indica eventos o situaciones que cambian la vida y que demandan tu energía y enfoque.

Sixes denote the law of karma, which states that as someone sows, so shall they reap. In the suit of Hearts, the Six represents becoming more conscious of our actions in the area of personal relationships. While sitting in this position this year, it is highly likely that you will be learning lessons in this area. It is entirely possible that some fated events occur in your life this year as a result of some of your actions in the past in your personal relationships. These events may not be to your liking. They may even seem unfair as far as you are concerned, as if what is happening is something that you do not deserve. These are likely to be difficult situations, especially during your Saturn period of the year, and they will involve some key relationships. However, these events are fair and just, the result of something you did in the past, be it in this lifetime or one prior to now. Sometimes this card has been known to attract a karmic relationship into our lives. This would usually be a past-life relationship that returns for us to settle some unfinished business. If someone new and significant comes into your life this year, this is likely the cause. Be attentive to what is going on between you—what are the real issues that you are dealing with in this relationship? Issues will revolve around fairness and having an awareness of our personal responsibility in matters of love and family. It is up to you to explore any situations that come up and to be open to learning more about fairness. You may have always thought that your actions in certain areas were good and just when in fact they were not. Keep an open mind, and be willing to give whatever is asked of you if you wish to get the most from this powerful influence. On the brighter side, this card gives you extraordinary powers of mental concentration this year, which should bring you a lot more success in your business or job.

La Carta de Mercurio Directa nos dice cuál será el estado de tu mente y tus ocupaciones mentales para el año. También detalla cómo serán tus comunicaciones.

During this period, you will be faced with the results of your past com- munications with those you love most. If you have been responsible and have been willing to give and take, this will likely be a period of peace and happiness. If there are unsettled emotional debts incurred by you in the past, you may be faced with payment of these, and the opportunity to take more responsibility in this important area. Practice the 'law of love' in your mind and heart.

La Carta de Venus Directa nos dice cómo irán las cosas en tu hogar, con tu familia y seres queridos, y cómo será tu vida romántica durante el año. También nos dice cómo serán tus relaciones románticas este año.

This should be a period of contentment, stability, and happiness in your personal relationships. You can use the 'law of love' and the will- ingness to make compromises to overcome any hurdles or obstacles in your family and romantic areas. By acting with responsibility and fairness in all matters of the heart, you will ensure that peace reigns in your house and heart. Any love affairs begun during this period will be for the settling of karmic debts.

La Carta de Marte Directa nos dice cómo se manifestarán tus energías agresivas este año, el resultado de asuntos legales y cómo te relacionarás con los hombres en general durante el año.

During this period, the steadying influence of the Six of Hearts will cause relationship issues to be dealt with and settled. Though you might be impatient at this time, you may be forced to slow down and act responsibly in all your personal affairs. You will get exactly what you give to others now, so be especially careful in what you are putting out. Rest assured that any matters, whether legal or romantic, will result in a fair and equal settlement for all concerned.

La Carta de Júpiter Directa nos dice la naturaleza de los negocios para el año o algo importante sobre cómo sacar el máximo provecho de tus negocios este año. También es la carta de las mayores bendiciones del año.

During this period, it is likely that you will be receiving some good 'Love Karma' for having done good for others in the past. Past efforts to take responsibility and willingness to make compromises in love and friendship are now bearing fruit as others come into your life to repay you in some fashion. Maintaining your composure and resting in the knowledge that 'as you give, so shall you receive,' you are in the happy harvest time of peace and domestic harmony.

La Carta de Saturno Directa nos dice dónde habrá más dificultades y el estado de nuestra salud.

During this period, you will be face to face with the results of your actions and deeds, especially in the areas of love and friendship. This period often brings one or more karmic relationships throughout the year, as well as many lessons about taking responsibility for our actions and sexual expression. The net result of this period will be more maturity, knowing that what you give is what you receive. This will lead to more success in relationships later. We often are unaware of how we are acting or how our acts and speech are affecting those around us. The Six of Hearts in Saturn will serve to increase your awareness in these areas. Your other Saturn Card may define who you could have a karmic relationship with or tell you more about the relationship challenges that may occur during this period.

La Carta de Urano Directa nos dice dónde habrá cambios inesperados este año, el estado de las amistades y asociaciones, y el estado de las relaciones con compañeros de trabajo y asuntos inmobiliarios.

This is an influence of success in humanitarian pursuits and affairs of labor and coworkers. This is also good for steady progress in these areas and sticking to one chosen path and working it through. Watch out that you don't allow this steadiness to become an excuse for being stubborn and inflexible in your work and friendships. You may have to make compromises now to maintain peace and harmony with friends or on the job, but it will be worth the cooperation. By tuning in to your most subtle thoughts and feelings now, you can make a strong connection to exactly what your life's purpose is, especially as it relates to your work with people and your own circle of friends and family.

La Carta de Neptuno Directa ha sido llamada la carta de “esperanzas y miedos” del año. A menudo nos dice en qué estamos soñando o deseando en secreto. A veces también representa el estado de asuntos extranjeros o distantes, tanto personales como profesionales. También puede ser el contenido de nuestra mente subconsciente.

You are not likely to travel under this influence, even if you have made plans to do so. Relax and enjoy the peace and tranquility. Your home, family, and close relationships should be a source of satisfaction now, so enjoy them. This influence does not support any travel or changes of any kind. Things at a distance will go smoothly now without changes. This influence can bring profound spiritual revelations if you tune in to your subconscious. One of the possible benefits of this card in Neptune is that you could discover or deepen your life's purpose. All that is required is for you to tune in to your thoughts and feelings, especially when you are alone or meditating.

El 6♥ simboliza paz, armonía y estabilidad en el amor y la familia. Buscan equilibrio en sus relaciones y son conscientes de la ‘Ley del Amor’, esforzándose por alcanzar la estabilidad emocional. Sin embargo, esta búsqueda puede llevar a relaciones satisfactorias o a la monotonía, dependiendo de cómo gestionen sus dinámicas.

Rasgos de Personalidad

  • Leales y estables en sus relaciones
  • Creativos y emprendedores
  • Fuerte sentido de responsabilidad y justicia
  • Evitan conflictos, pero buscan la verdadera paz a través de la aceptación

Carrera y Ocupación

Las personas 6♥ sobresalen en áreas que requieren conocimiento y comunicación. Destacan como diseñadores, artistas, planificadores financieros o emprendedores. El éxito llega cuando se enfocan profundamente en un área específica, aprovechando sus fuertes habilidades mentales.

Desafíos y Sacrificios

Su apego a la estabilidad puede llevarlos a permanecer en relaciones insatisfactorias. Enfrentan deudas kármicas en el amor, lo que implica perdonar y dejar atrás viejos agravios. También deben superar su resistencia al cambio y enfrentar las polaridades de la vida para encontrar la verdadera paz.

Crecimiento Espiritual y Personal

El 6♥ tiene una misión espiritual de difundir amor y alcanzar una conciencia superior a través de sus acciones. Al aceptar las imperfecciones en sí mismos y en los demás, pueden alcanzar una forma de amor trascendental.

Perspectiva Numerológica

Simbolizado por la Estrella de David, el 6♥ encarna la Ley del Karma: lo que siembran, cosechan. Este equilibrio rige sus vidas, exigiendo que mantengan la equidad y la justicia en sus relaciones.

Enfoque de Vida

Buscan la armonía, pero deben enfrentar los desafíos de la vida para lograr una paz genuina. Su camino implica aceptar todos los aspectos de la vida, incluidas sus dificultades, para cultivar un amor y una comprensión más profundos.


  • Abraza el cambio y enfrenta emociones incómodas.
  • Reconoce y acepta las imperfecciones en ti y en los demás.
  • Esfuérzate por mantener el equilibrio en todas las áreas de tu vida.
  • Utiliza tu creatividad e inteligencia para lograr estabilidad y satisfacción.