Sun | Ego

9 of Spades
Número de Secuencia
Valor Numérico




Largo Alcance
The Nine of Spades can be a card of loss and disappointment. However, the true nature of the card reveals that its presence in your life for any period of time does not have to be a disaster. In actuality, the Nine of Spades represents making a completion of some importance. Whether this is the end of a certain occupation, way of life, or way of being with your health and body will depend upon the position of the card and the circumstances in your life at the time. But rest assured that some important aspect of your life is coming to an end when this potent card shows up. This is also one of the death cards, and indeed, when this card shows up, there will be a death in your life of some kind. We go through many mini-deaths in the course of our lifetime, and just like the snake shedding its skin, arrive at a new and better place each time we do so. Therefore, the Nine of Spades is not a card to be feared, but instead, a card to be welcomed. It always has the ability to clear away all the unwanted and useless debris in our life and put us back on a new course where we are much more enlivened and satisfied.

La Carta de Largo Alcance describe algo o alguien que es un enfoque importante de tu atención este año. Podría ser algo en lo que estás pensando todo el tiempo, con lo que tienes que lidiar constantemente, o alguien que se ha convertido en una parte importante de tu vida. La Carta de Largo Alcance no es ni buena ni mala, simplemente es importante.

As the ‘Nine of Nines,’ the Nine of Spades is the strongest indicator of a year of important endings for you. You could end a line of work you have been doing for a long time or have to contend with health problems that cause you to make major changes in your lifestyle or habits. The Nine of Spades is often associated with work and health problems or disappointments, but this is only if we are unwilling to let go of the things, people, jobs, or habits that are now surely ending for us. This is a year of major completion. Whatever you are doing when you begin this year will likely be over by the time of your next birthday. There could be a death in the family or of someone you know or one of many conditions that will ultimately affect your lifestyle in an important way. The Nine of Spades is also a strong indicator of spiritual work and could indicate much success in this area for you this year. Success could indicate much success in this area for you this year. Success applying universal principles is the key. This can mean letting go of things that are passing away and broadening of your life’s goals to include some sort of humanitarian work. This will help you realize the success potential of this powerful card.

La carta de Plutón revela una fuerza transformadora o un desafío que moldea tu año. Representa un deseo profundo o una meta que te impulsa a realizar cambios significativos.

This year you have one of the most challenging cards, the Nine of Spades. This card can signal a year of losses of many kinds. In many ways, this will be a year of completions and endings. You may lose your job or have to contend with lingering health problems that force you to change your habits. You could even lose someone you know, and this passing may not be easy for you to cope with. For some people, transitions and changes of such a dramatic nature are very hard to deal with. An attitude that all is happening for a good reason will go a long way towards your getting through this year with sanity and peace of mind. What is being called for this year is for you to let go of certain important parts of your lifestyle that are no longer good for you or those around you. Whether you can see it or not, you have reached a place of completion in these areas and need to move on. If you resist, it will seem like these endings are being forced upon you. See this as a year of completions as you prepare for a whole new chapter of life. The next year will be one of new beginnings leading you in an entirely new direction that is much better for you on all levels. Your Result Card will tell you more about the challenges ahead for you this year, perhaps giving you clues as to which areas of your life are nearing completion. It may also point to someone that is directly involved in these endings.

La carta de Resultado muestra el resultado de tus esfuerzos este año, a menudo relacionado con una relación clave o una meta. Refleja lo que lograrás después de abordar los desafíos presentados por la carta de Plutón.

Somehow associated with your Pluto Card this year will be the element of ‘ending.’ This could be the death of someone you know, a job, or health habits that have created the problems you may now be experiencing. This letting go will certainly take you to a better place, a state of mind where you will be more free to live as you please. You are ending a major chapter in your life that will lead you to a new beginning that is just around the corner. In the process, there may be things that you have been doing for a long time that you will now let go of and stop doing. Let go and live.

La Carta de Ambiente representa una influencia poderosa y protectora que trae bendiciones y facilidad en áreas específicas de tu vida a lo largo del año.

This is likely to be a year when you are ending up a major cycle of your life, preparing for or entering into a new beginning for yourself. Endings represent phases completed and as such they can be cause for celebration and personal acknowledgment. Whether these completions relate to your work, health, or another important aspect of your lifestyle, now is the time to let go and prepare to move on to a new and much better phase of life.

La Carta de Desplazamiento resalta desafíos y áreas que requieren un esfuerzo extra. A menudo indica eventos o situaciones que cambian la vida y que demandan tu energía y enfoque.

This is likely to be a crucial year for you in which a major chapter of your life comes to an end. Some aspect of your life has reached its point of fulfillment and now must be swept away to make room for a new cycle of growth and opportunity. Be prepared and open to endings in most any area and you will be much less likely to suffer the disappointment and frustration generally associated with this card. Often health matters come into play with this powerful card. If you have any negative habits that affect your health adversely, there is a very good chance that these habits will have to be cleared out this year. In many cases, it can be a matter of life or death—get rid of the bad habits or else. But for those who are aware of themselves, there will be no surprises, and the endings will be seen as the next stage in their evolutionary journey. Another common manifestation of this card is loss of a job or the death of one or more people who are close to us. In any of these cases, regardless of how unfair they may seem to us at the time, whatever is lost was not really a part of us that was good for us any more. It is only our fear of the unknown that keeps us clinging on to jobs, relationships, and other things that we know inside are not good for us. We would rather suffer with the familiar than have to face an uncertain future. But when the Nine of Spades comes along, major housecleaning will occur. Just what areas of your life are affected, whether it be work, health, lifestyle, or relationships, will depend upon your personal circumstances. Life is an always-changing phenomena, and though we are attached to things the way they are, everything must evolve and grow eventually. This year marks an important graduation year for you. You have come a long way with things the way they are and have now progressed far enough that you are ready for a new future. All that remains is to clear out the old to make way for the new.

La Carta de Mercurio Directa nos dice cuál será el estado de tu mente y tus ocupaciones mentales para el año. También detalla cómo serán tus comunicaciones.

This period may bring a sudden illness, accident, or trouble with work. This could be disappointing, but will probably not last long either. This could be a sudden loss of work or some unexpected bad news. This could also be a problem encountered on a short trip, such as an accident, or some trouble with a brother or sister. It is best to slow down now, take things at a safe pace until this period is over. Also, watch out for negative attitudes now. Since all nines represent completions and endings, your other Mercury Card could indicate who or what in your life is now coming to an end. It also may indicate what the net result of your letting go is or give more background information about the ending.

La Carta de Venus Directa nos dice cómo irán las cosas en tu hogar, con tu familia y seres queridos, y cómo será tu vida romántica durante el año. También nos dice cómo serán tus relaciones románticas este año.

This influence can bring illness over a love relationship or a family-related disappointment. This could also be the illness of a close friend, marriage partner, or family member. This card tells you that some major part of your lifestyle is coming to its fulfillment or completion. This could be a relationship or have something to do with your home or family. The ending of a relationship or friendship could cause much grief if you resist the completion that is scheduled for this period. This is an influence of difficulties in the home or in personal relationships, but only if we stubbornly hold on to people or things that are now passing out of our life. All these difficulties can be considered tests of emotional strength and maturity. Your other Venus Card may tell you who or what the personal challenge or ending is about. Also, keep in mind that the emotional or powerful other Venus Card, such as a Four, Eight, or Ten, could mitigate the adversity of this card and bring about very positive results from a situation that may seem like a disappointment at the outset.

La Carta de Marte Directa nos dice cómo se manifestarán tus energías agresivas este año, el resultado de asuntos legales y cómo te relacionarás con los hombres en general durante el año.

This period could bring a difficult lawsuit or problems dealing with some man or group of males. A headstrong attitude or recklessness can bring troubles in work and health during this period. Illness can interfere with work also. Be wary of all associations with men, and try to settle difficulties out of court, as these are not favored by this influence. By adopting a more universal (unselfish) attitude in these areas, you may find great success. Look to your other Mars Card to find out what or who is involved in the challenges or endings that may arise during this period. Also, keep in mind that a positive card, such as a Four, Eight, or Ten, would tell you that regardless of the challenges present, you are likely to have a happy and productive outcome to the situations that present themselves during this fifty-two-day period.

La Carta de Júpiter Directa nos dice la naturaleza de los negocios para el año o algo importante sobre cómo sacar el máximo provecho de tus negocios este año. También es la carta de las mayores bendiciones del año.

During this period, you will likely experience a major completion or ending of a line of work or livelihood. This ending will in some way affect your basic lifestyle in an important way. It seems as though you have been doing a certain occupation for a long time, and now is the time to move on to something new. Don’t resist these endings, as they are positively leading you to a new, more exciting, and more prosperous future. Even if you get fired, this will inevitably lead to something much better with this influence. You are protected by Jupiter’s blessings now, and all you need to do is take a close look at your situation to realize the good in what is happening. In truth, it was your desire to have this happen in the first place.

La Carta de Saturno Directa nos dice dónde habrá más dificultades y el estado de nuestra salud.

This is a strong indicator of illness of you or a friend. This illness may be lingering and hard to diagnose and may interfere with work or other plans. Care should be taken in minding your health. This is one of the most difficult of influences, one that represents karmic debts to be repaid, that is, payments for things you had done in the past. Any negativity or bad habits now will only aggravate the situation. This card can also indicate the ending of a job, relationship, or other important area in your life. Your other Saturn Card may tell you what will come to an end during this period. Because of Saturn’s influence, it is likely that you will resist this ending more than you would in other circumstances. However, it will end anyway and ultimately will lead you to something better. This card usually indicates something in our lives that really is not good for us that has been hanging around much longer than it should. The death of this issue, regardless of what it is, usually comes hard in Saturn, but great healing always follows. Also, bear in mind that the difficulties or challenges indicated by this card could be offset by a strong card in the other Saturn position, for example any of the Fours, Eights, or Tens.

La Carta de Urano Directa nos dice dónde habrá cambios inesperados este año, el estado de las amistades y asociaciones, y el estado de las relaciones con compañeros de trabajo y asuntos inmobiliarios.

This influence can bring disappointments in work, labor relations, humanitarian efforts, or a real estate deal. Be cautious in any of these areas during this period. Many challenges may present themselves now, and overcoming these can lead to significant advancement. Aside from speculation, you may find that an intuitive insight can aid you in making decisions and helping others now. On a deeper level, this card indicates that you are ready to move on to another line of work or a new lifestyle. This may be the time to let go of some of those things that you have had in the past to make way for the new that is coming. This is a card of completion and graduation. However, many of us resist letting go when the time comes. If you can let these things, whatever they are, fall away from you, you will find yourself feeling lighter, freer, and ready to embrace a new and exciting future. This is a good influence for spiritual matters, learning new spiritual information, attending classes, etc. Also, keep in mind that a positive card, such as a Four, Eight, or Ten, in the other position of this period would offset any problematic situations that may arise and bring about good results overall.

La Carta de Neptuno Directa ha sido llamada la carta de “esperanzas y miedos” del año. A menudo nos dice en qué estamos soñando o deseando en secreto. A veces también representa el estado de asuntos extranjeros o distantes, tanto personales como profesionales. También puede ser el contenido de nuestra mente subconsciente.

This influence can bring an illness or accident related to the water, drugs, alcohol, or traveling. This could also be a disappointment related to a trip or distant affairs. The possibility of a hidden illness or disappointment is also present. Any association with travel or drugs or alcohol will be disappointing now. However, this card can represent a great fulfillment if one is involved in helping others in some humanitarian kind of work. It is entirely possible that a long-time cherished dream or occupation of yours could come to an end or be lost during this period. This could be something that you have been worrying about losing from time to time this year. If so, don't be afraid or disappointed. This ending is actually the best thing for you and everyone else in your life. Let it go, and many new and better things will soon come to replace it.

The Nine of Spades: The Mystic and the Artist

Being born under the Nine of Spades influence means you are incredibly intuitive, sensitive, and artistic. This card is often seen as one of the most spiritual in the deck, offering you unique opportunities for personal growth and success. Here’s a fun and easy summary of your key traits and life path:

Key Traits:

  • Highly Intuitive and Spiritual: You have an inherent spiritual nature that allows you to tap into higher knowledge and wisdom.
  • Creative and Artistic: You are naturally gifted in the arts and have a strong creative drive.
  • Curious and Skeptical: Your curious mind often leads you to question and explore new ideas, making you a forward thinker.

Career and Success:

  • Creative Fields: Your artistic talents make you well-suited for careers in the arts, music, or any field that allows creative expression.
  • Leadership and Teaching: You have the potential to be a great teacher, leader, or guide, sharing your wisdom with others.
  • Business and Technology: Your intelligence and creative thinking can bring you success in business or technology.

Personal Life:

  • Romantic and Emotional: You have a strong emotional nature and seek deep, meaningful relationships. Be mindful of being overly sensitive or having high expectations.
  • Loving and Giving: Your generous spirit makes you a wonderful partner and friend, always ready to help those you care about.
  • Charming and Magnetic: Your natural charm and personal magnetism attract people to you.

Challenges and Growth:

  • Balancing Emotions: Learning to balance your emotions and not let them overwhelm you is crucial for your well-being.
  • Letting Go: Embrace the power of letting go and understand that endings and changes are a natural part of life.
  • Avoiding Stubbornness: Be open to new ideas and avoid being overly stubborn or resistant to change.

Spiritual and Personal Development:

  • Universal Giving: Your greatest fulfillment comes from giving to others and contributing to the greater good.
  • Self-Realization: Embrace your spiritual and intuitive gifts, and use them to guide your path.
  • Inner Strength: Recognize your inner strength and use it to overcome any challenges you face.

Life Lessons:

  • Responsibility and Integrity: Take responsibility for your actions and stay true to your values to achieve success and happiness.
  • Healing and Balance: Take care of your health and find balance in your life by surrounding yourself with beauty and harmony.
  • Following Your Heart: Pursue your passions and align with your higher self to unlock your full potential.


The Nine of Spades is a card of immense potential and spiritual depth. Embrace your intuitive and artistic nature, balance your emotions, and use your gifts to contribute to the world. By letting go of what no longer serves you and focusing on giving, you will find true happiness, success, and fulfillment in all areas of life.